Activities to Work on Jealousy in Children: Effective and Fun Strategies

Celos en los niños

Understanding Jealousy in Children Jealousy in children is a natural emotion that can arise at any time, especially when they notice that their attention is being shared with someone else. This emotion may be most evident in situations such as the birth of a new sibling, changes in the nuclear family, or when children begin […]

Everything You Need to Know About Babies’ Sleep at 4 Months

Todo lo que Necesitas Saber sobre el Sueño de los Bebés a los 4 Meses

Babies’ sleep at 4 months: What you need to know Sleep is a crucial part of babies’ development, and each stage presents its own challenges and quirks. At 4 months, parents often experience changes in their baby’s sleep patterns, which can be frustrating and confusing. In this article, I’ll explain the most important aspects of […]

Why toddlers bite?

Por qué muerden los niños pequeños

Why do toddlers bite? Causes, Solutions and Tips for Parents If you find yourself in a situation where your toddler starts biting other children or even you, you are probably feeling worried and puzzled. Don’t worry, biting is a common behaviour in young children, especially those who are exploring the world around them. But why […]

Why does my child hold his pee for a long time?

Por qué mi hijo aguanta el pis mucho tiempo

Why does my child hold his or her pee for a long time? It is common for parents to worry when their children hold their pee for long periods of time. There are several reasons why children may do this. One of the most common reasons is that young children are so focused on their […]

Keys to Getting Your Child to Listen to You

Claves para Lograr que Tu Hijo Te Haga Caso

Set clear and consistent rules The first key to getting your child to listen to you is to set clear and consistent rules. Children need to know what is expected of them and what the limits are. Rules should be specific and easy to understand. For example, instead of saying ‘behave yourself’, you can say […]

What is early childhood care?

Qué es la Atención Temprana

Everything you should know about Early Intervention Early care is a set of interventions aimed at children from birth to six years of age, with the objective of responding as early as possible to the transitory or permanent needs that they may present in their development. These interventions aim to minimise the effects of a […]

Managing Temper Tantrums in Children

Gestionar las Rabietas en Niños

How to Manage Tantrums in Children: At What Age Do They Start and What to Do? At what age do tantrums start? Tantrums usually start around the age of 2 years. This is a critical time in child development, known as the ‘terrible twos’. During this phase, children are discovering their independence and ability to […]

Emotions in Children

las Emociones en los Niños

The importance of working on emotions in children In childhood, emotional development is a key part of a child’s healthy growth. Working on emotions allows them to understand and manage their feelings, which is fundamental for their well-being. It also fosters empathy and improves their social skills. It is essential that children learn to identify […]

Logical-mathematical activities for children from 0 to 3 years of age

Actividades lógico matemáticas para niños de 0 a 3 años

Why are logical-mathematical activities important in early childhood? Logical-mathematical activities are fundamental to stimulate cognitive development in children from a very early age. These activities foster skills such as problem solving, critical thinking and organisation, all of which are crucial to a child’s overall development. At this early stage, the brain is in a period […]

Strengthening Parent-Child Bonding: Keys and Strategies

Fortaleciendo el Vínculo Afectivo entre Padres e Hijos: Claves y Estrategias

The importance of parent-child bonding The bond between parents and children is essential for the emotional and psychological development of young children. This bond not only provides a sense of security, but also influences the way children relate to others throughout their lives. From the first day of life, babies seek interaction with their parents. […]